GL E XI in which they may have any personal interest (partiality for subjective reasons) or

Members of the competent divisions may not take part in the decision on a case:
(ii)in respect of which the party may have good reasons to suspect partiality (partiality for objective reasons). 
For the objection to be admissible it must be raised immediately after the party has become aware of the reason for it.

GL E X 4 Binding nature of decisions on appeals

If a department has to give a decision in a case which has already been remitted by the board of appeal for further prosecution to that department, it is bound by the ratio decidendi of the board of appeal, in so far as the facts, e.g. the subject-matter of the patent and the relevant state of the art, are the same.[Art. 111(2); ]
An opposition division is not bound by a decision of a board of appeal on appeal against a decision from an examining division (see T 167


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