GL F I – Introduction Apart from the requirements of patentability (novelty, inventive step, industrial application and exclusions from patentability), a European patent application must also satisfy a number of other requirements. These [..]

GL E XIV 6.2 Cancellation of the registration

A registration of licences or other rights is cancelled upon request, supported by documents providing evidence that the right has lapsed or by the written consent of the proprietor of the right to the cancellation of that right. Rule 22(2) applies mutatis mutandis, i.e. the cancellation is subject to the payment of an administrative fee. Cancellation is only possible until publication of the mention of the grant.[Rule 22(2); Rule 23(2); ]

GL E XIV 5 Changes of name

Mere changes of name, i.e. changes that do not involve a modification of the legal identity of the applicant, can be entered in the European Patent Register upon request and production of relevant documentary evidence as long as the application (cf. A‑IV, 1.1.1) or the proceedings before the EPO are pending. Such registration is free of charge.

GL E XIV 2 Responsible department

The Legal Division of the EPO bears the sole responsibility for these registrations (see the Decision of the President of the EPO dated 21 November 2013, OJ EPO 2013, 600).[Art. 20; ]
The Legal Division may entrust specific duties which do not require legal expertise to formalities officers (see the Decision of the President of the EPO dated 21 November 2013, OJ EPO 2013, 601).


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