PA 04/2021: Late receipt of documents from a PCT Office: calculation of a time limit where PCT Rule 80.6 applies
PA 03/2021: Practical Advice
PA 02/2021: Best Practice for Withdrawing International Applications
PA 01/2021: Switching from PCT-SAFE to ePCT (the example of an applicant filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as receiving Office)
PA 12/2020: The cost of filing an international application – finding out what fees are due by consulting WIPO’s online resources
PA 11/2020: The cost of filing an international application – finding out what fees are due when using ePCT‑Filing
PA 10/2020: Access by third parties to the inventor’s address that was included in the request form upon filing, but is subsequently changed following a request under PCT Rule 92bis
PA 09/2020: Access by third parties to information in the file of the international preliminary examination
PA 07/2020: The furnishing of a correct element of an international application where the originally filed element was filed erroneously