GL E XIII 5.6 Appearance before the national court

If, after the opinion is issued, the national court asks the examining division to appear before it, the court is informed that the EPO is willing to send one member of the division provided that costs are paid and on the understanding that this member will be required only to answer questions on the technical opinion given and will not be required to give an opinion on additional matters unless notice in writing of these additional matters is given to the examining division at least one month before the appearance before the court.

GL E XIII 5.1 Formalities check

The formalities officer will check whether the fee has been paid and whether there are any obvious deficiencies as to the language requirements. If there are any deficiencies in these respects, the formalities officer will write to the national court informing it that no substantive work on the opinion will begin until the deficiencies have been remedied.

GL E XIII 4 Language to be used

In principle the language to be used is the language of the proceedings of the European patent; however, if the court so requests, another official language of the EPO may be used. At least the request itself, any submissions from the parties, and any amendments to the patent must be in that language or translated into that language. The opinion is also produced in that language.

GL E XIII 3.2 Duties

The primary examiner will act on behalf of the examining division and will normally be responsible for issuing communications to the court. The primary examiner also drafts the written opinion and circulates the draft to the other members of the examining division for consideration. If any changes are proposed in the draft and there are differences of view on such changes, the chair arranges a meeting to resolve the matter. The final opinion is signed by all members of the division.


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