A.22 EPC Enlarged Board of Appeal

The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be responsible for:  
deciding on points of law referred to it by Boards of Appeal under Article 112;
giving opinions on points of law referred to it by the President of the European Patent Office under Article 112;
deciding on petitions for review of decisions of the Boards of Appeal under Article 112a.
In proceedings under paragraph 1(a) and (b), the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of five legally and two technically qualified members. In proceedings under paragraph 1(c), the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of three or five members as laid down in the Implementing Regulations. In all proceedings, a legally qualified member shall be the Chairman.
[ Art. 11 15 112 112a R. 12a 12b 12c 12d 13 109 ]
Amended by the Act revising the European Patent Convention of 29.11.2000. 

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EPC Articles

EPC Implementing Rules

Offical Journal of the EPO

Case Law Book

Case Law Book: V Priority

Case Law of the Enlarged Board

General Case Law