GL B III 3.7 Independent and dependent claims

The search carried out in sections of the documentation to be consulted for the independent claim(s) must include all dependent claims (for cases not complying with Rule 43(2), see B‑VIII, 4). Dependent claims are interpreted as being restricted by all features of the claim(s) upon which they depend. Therefore, where the subject-matter of an independent claim is novel, that of its dependent claims will also be novel (see, however, F‑VI, 2.4.3).

GL B III 3.2.5 Ascertaining the existence of a fallback position

A claim may contain undefined, unclear terms for which no clear preferred embodiments are given in the claims but where clear preferred embodiments (i.e. a "fallback position", as referred to in B‑III, 3.2(iv)) of that unclear term are expressed in the description and/or drawings (see B‑III, 3.2.3). In such a case, the search will be based on the broadest technically sensible interpretation of the term.

GL B III 3.2.4 Use of the description and/or drawings to establish definitions of clear terms given a definition different from their usual meaning

In some applications the meaning given to a technical term by the description and/or the drawings differs from the commonly recognised meaning of that term in the technical field of the application.


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