GL B III 1.2 Opinions on matters relating to limitation of the search

Occasionally matters of substantive examination other than novelty or inventive step have a direct bearing on the execution of the search and may result in a limitation thereof; here again these opinions are subject to review by the examining division (see T 178/84 and T 631/97, and B‑II, 4.2(iii), and B‑XI, 1.2), in particular in the light of the applicant's reply to the search opinion (see 

GL B II 4.6 Searches on national applications

The search divisions of the EPO also carry out searches on national applications of certain of its contracting states. These guidelines are not necessarily fully applicable to these national searches, nor are the ways in which these searches differ from European searches specifically pointed out. However, these national searches are to a large extent identical to, or compatible with, European searches.[]

GL B II 4.5 International-type searches

Under the PCT, the EPO, as an International Searching Authority, may be entrusted to carry out "international-type searches" for national patent applications (Art. 15(5) PCT). These searches are by definition similar to international searches, and the same considerations apply, except where unity of invention is lacking; in the case of a lack of unity in a national application subject to an international-type search, no reasoned statement on the lack of unity is included in the search report.


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