GL B III 3.2.1 Claims with explicit references to the description or drawings

Although explicit references in the claims to features elucidated in the description or in the drawings are only permissible where "absolutely necessary" (Rule 43(6) – see also B‑III, 3.5, and F‑IV, 4.17), claims containing such references are still searched if these technical features are unambiguously defined by specific parts of the description.
However, where the reference does not clearly identify which subject-matter of

GL B III 2.4 Search on the internet

The European search can also cover internet sources, including online technical journals, online databases or other websites (see OJ EPO 2009, 456). The extent of such internet searches depends on the individual case, but in some technical fields a systematic internet search will regularly be necessary. Especially in fields related to information or software technology, searches bypassing the internet will often not yield the most relevant prior art.

GL B III 2.2 Effectiveness and efficiency of the search

The effectiveness and efficiency of any search for relevant documents (Rule 61(1)) depend on the degree of order which is available in, or which can be applied to, the collection of documents to be searched, the order allowing the search division to determine sections of the documentation to be consulted. The basic components for creating order in a collection of documents are words, classification units, indexing codes or bibliographical links between documents by commonly cited documents.

GL B III 2.1 Completeness of the search

The European search is essentially a thorough, high-quality, all-embracing search. Nevertheless, it must be realised that in a search of this kind, 100% completeness cannot always be obtained, because of such factors as the inevitable imperfections of any information retrieval system and its implementation. The search is carried out in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum the possibility of failing to discover complete anticipations for any claims, or other highly relevant prior art.


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