GL B V 3.1 IPC classification of late-published search reports

Where the search report is not available in time for publication of the application, and is therefore published separately, and the search division finds it necessary to amend the assigned IPC classification for the reasons given in B‑V, 3, last paragraph, it states the amended classification on the search report, indicating that it constitutes the IPC classification in place of that published on the application (which thus becomes merely the "classification for publication").

GL B V 3 IPC classification of the application

The IPC classification of the patent application is performed by the search division.
The IPC classification identifies all features relevant to the technical subject of the claimed invention (or of the subjects of each of the claimed inventions if there is more than one) as precisely and comprehensively as the IPC scheme permits.
The IPC classification consists of "invention information" symbols and "additional information" symbols (the latter encompassing the usage of IPC indexing codes) according to the IPC rules defined

GL B V 2.1 Incorrect preclassification

If, on reaching the search division, an application has been found to be incorrectly preclassified and thus inappropriately distributed, it is redistributed by the search division receiving it, indicating the appropriate amendments on the dossier and in the EPO's in-house electronic tool. Normally this is done by mutual agreement with the search division to which it is proposed to redistribute it.

GL B V 1 Definitions

By "preclassification" is meant a first stage of classification, for purposes of internal application (file) routing and distribution, whereby the subject of the claimed invention (or the invention first claimed, if there is more than one) is broadly identified by means of the appropriate classification symbols.
By "IPC classification" is meant the assigning of the appropriate classification symbols according to the International Patent Classification (IPC), published by WIPO.

GL B IV 3.3 Errors in the search report

When a material error is found to be present in a search report prior to publication thereof, a new search report will be drawn up which supersedes the preceding one. Where the search report has already been sent to the applicant according to Rule 65, but has not yet been published, the error is immediately notified to the applicant. When a serious error is noted following publication of the search report, a corrigendum is published in the European Patent Bulletin, and the applicant and the examining division is informed accordingly.


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