GL B VII 2.3 Supplementary European search

When in a supplementary European search following an international (PCT) search a problem of unity of invention arises, a partial supplementary European search report is drawn up on the invention or group of inventions first mentioned in the claims (see F‑V, 3.4) serving as basis for the supplementary European search (Rule 164(1)(a)), independently of the findings of the International Searching Authority as regards unity of invention.

GL B VII 2.2 Complete search despite of lack of unity

Exceptionally, in cases of lack of unity, especially "a posteriori", the search division is able to make a complete search and prepare a search opinion (where applicable - see B‑XI, 7) for all inventions with negligible additional work and cost, in particular when the inventions are conceptually very close. In those cases, the search for the further invention(s) is completed together with that for the invention first mentioned in the claims.

GL B VII 1.2.3 The applicant has not paid all additional search fees

The applicant needs always to make clear for which inventions the additional search fees have been paid. Hence, in cases where the applicant pays some, but not all, of the additional requested search fees and fails to indicate for which inventions payments have been made, the search division will make efforts to find out which inventions are to be covered by (an) additional search/searches.


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