If the European Patent Office considers that the European patent application fails to such an extent to comply with this Convention that it is impossible to carry out a meaningful search regarding the state of the art on the basis of all or some of the subject-matter claimed, it shall invite the applicant to file, within a period of two months, a statement indicating the subject-matter to be searched.
If the statement under paragraph 1 is not filed in due time, or if it is not sufficient to overcome the deficiency noted under paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall either issue a reasoned declaration stating that the European patent application fails to such an extent to comply with this Convention that it is impossible to carry out a meaningful search regarding the state of the art on the basis of all or some of the subject-matter claimed or, as far as is practicable, draw up a partial search report. The reasoned declaration or the partial search report shall be considered, for the purposes of subsequent proceedings, as the European search report.
When a partial search report has been drawn up, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to restrict the claims to the subject-matter searched unless it finds that the objection under paragraph 1 was not justified.
Amended by decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 3/09 of 25.03.2009 (OJ EPO 2009, 299), which entered into force on 01.04.2010.
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/html/epc/2016/e/r63.html
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
75 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPC Articles
EPC Implementing Rules
EPO Guidelines - A Formalities Examination
EPO Guidelines - B Search
XGL B VIII 2.1 Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body
EPO Guidelines - C Procedureal Aspects of Substantive Examination
XGL C III 3.1.3 Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search
EPO Guidelines - E General Procedural Matters
EPO Guidelines - F The European Patent Application
EPO Guidelines - G Patentability
EPO Guidelines - H Amendments and Corrections
EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int. - C The EPO as ISA and SISA
Offical Journal of the EPO
XOJ EPO 2012, 22 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 13 December 2011 concerning EPO online services
XOJ EPO 2012, 10 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 13 December 2011 concerning notification by technical means of communication in selected EPO proceedings
XOJ EPO 2009, 533 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 15 October 2009 concerning amendments to the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention (EPC)
XOJ EPO 2009, 299 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 25 March 2009 amending the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention (CA/D 3/09)