GL B IV 1.2 Formal deficiencies

If the search division notices any formal shortcomings which have been overlooked by the Receiving Section, it calls these, by means of an internal communication, to the attention of the Receiving Section (or of the examining division in the case of an additional search requested by that division) which takes appropriate action. However, the search division does not repeat the tasks of the Receiving Section and does not undertake any time-consuming enquiries into these matters.

GL B III 3.8 Search on dependent claims

However, where the patentability of the subject-matter of the independent claim is questioned, it may be necessary for assessing whether the subject-matter of the dependent claim as such is novel and involves an inventive step to continue the search in other sections of the documentation, e.g. in one or more additional classification units. No such special search is made for features that seem prima facie trivial or are generally known in the art.


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