GL B I 2.2.1 Where claimed unitary subject-matter covers more than one technical field

Exceptionally, where the application covers two or more technical fields which are so diverse that a member trained to carry out searches in one of those fields cannot reasonably be expected to carry out a search in all of them, the responsibility for preparing the search report may be shared between a number of members.
The skills required to carry out a search in a particular technical field consist of two aspects, viz.:

GL B I 2.2 Search division consisting of more than one member

Where the invention is of a nature requiring searching in widely dispersed specialised fields, a special search division consisting of two, or possibly three, members may be formed, for example, where the "person skilled in the art" in the technical field of the application consists of more than one person (see G‑VII, 3).
Another case is where there is found to be a lack of unity in subject-matter between different technical fields.
In such cases, the documents found in the different

GL A XI 5.2 Priority documents issued by the EPO

Any priority document (i.e. the certified copy of the European patent application together with the certificate stating the date of filing thereof) will only be issued to the (original) applicant or that party's successor in title on written request. If such request is missing, the EPO will invite the requester to file it and will supply the certified copy only once this requirement has been fulfilled.

GL A XI 5.1 Certified copies of documents from the files or of other documents

The EPO will issue on request a certified copy of the European patent application or European patent specification, or of other documents from the files of European applications and patents (e.g. an extract from the European Patent Register), provided that the conditions for file inspection (Art. 128(1) to (4)) are fulfilled and an administrative fee has been paid (see A‑XI, 1, and


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