GL A X 9.3.2 Reduction of the examination fee where the international preliminary examination report is being drawn up by the EPO

Where the EPO has drawn up the international preliminary examination report in respect of an international application, the examination fee is reduced by 75% in proceedings before the EPO as elected Office (see the Decision of Administrative Council of 13 December 2017 CA/D 17/17, OJ EPO 2018, A4).[Art. 14(2) RFees; ]
If the conditions for a reduction under the language arrangements (see A‑X, 9.2.3) are also fulfilled, t

GL A X 9.3.1 Reduction of the search fee for a supplementary European search

The search fee for a supplementary European search report is reduced by a fixed amount for PCT applications for which the Patent Office of Austria, Finland, Spain, Sweden or Turkey, the Nordic Patent Institute or the Visegrad Patent Institute was the International Searching Authority or where one of these offices prepared the supplementary international search report (see the Decisions of the Administrative Council of 27 October 2011, OJ EPO 2011, 616; of 25 October 2012, OJ EPO 2012, 584; of 16 December 2015, OJ EPO 2016, A2; and

GL A X 9.2.3 Reduction of the examination fee

Applicants eligible for the fee reduction will be allowed a reduction in the examination fee if the request for examination is filed in an admissible non-EPO language. EPO Forms 1001 (Request for grant of a European patent) and 1200 (Entry into the European phase) contain pre-printed boxes where the request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language and the declaration under Rule 6(6) can be entered.

GL A X 9.1 General

Where a fee is reduced – in contrast to cases of fee refunds – the reduced rate may be paid instead of the full fee. The factual conditions for a reduction of the fee must be met on or before the day the period for payment expires.


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