GL A X 8 No deferred payment of fees, no legal aid, no discretion

The EPC makes no provision for deferring payment of fees (see J 2/78, reasons 3) or for granting legal aid. An indigent party still has the possibility of applying for legal aid from the competent national authority. However, the time limit for payment is not extended in such a case; a party claiming national legal aid must make the corresponding arrangements as early as possible so that they are in a position to pay the fee in due time.

GL A X 7.2 Indication of the purpose of the payment in the case of designation fees

The following applies only to applications filed before 1 April 2009.[Art. 2(2), item 3, RFees; Art. 6(1) RFees; ]
The designation fees are deemed paid for all contracting states upon payment of seven times the amount of one designation fee. Such payments simply need to be marked "designation fees" in order for the purpose of the payment to be established.


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