GL A X 1 General

Various fees have to be paid for a European patent application, renewing a European patent and obtaining legal remedies. Fees may also need to be paid by third parties, as is the case, for example, for the issue of certified copies of documents or the certified extract from the European Patent Register (see OJ EPO 2019, A15). Fees may be validly paid by any person.

GL A IX 11.2.2 Tables in the claims

The claims may include tables if this is desirable in view of the subject-matter involved. In this case, the tables must be included in the text of the relevant claim; they may not be annexed to the claims nor may reference be made to tables contained in or annexed to the description. Rule 43(6) stipulates that the claims may refer to other application documents only where this is absolutely necessary (see F‑IV, 4.17).

GL A IX 11.2.1 Tables in the description

For the sake of convenience, the tables may also be grouped together in one or more sheets annexed to the description and paginated with it.[Rule 49(9); ]
If two or more tables are necessary, each should be identified by a Roman number, independently of the pagination of the description or drawings or of the figure numbering, or by a capital letter, or by a title indicating its contents, or by some other means.
Each line or column in a table must begin with an entry explaining what it re

GL A IX 10 Amendments to drawings

Amendments of the drawings are permitted, as well as of the other documents. These amendments may be made at the request of the party concerned or at the request of the EPO. The amendments may concern either clerical errors or more substantial changes.
Amendments to drawings are, in general, subject to the same rules as apply in respect of amendments to other application documents and therefore do not require further analysis here.


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