GL E III 11.2 Preparations for the videoconference

In addition to the summons, participants will receive an email confirming the date, time and the videoconference contact details to be used to establish the connection (in the form of a link or by other suitable means) and containing any further appropriate information, including on the organisation of the videoconference.
Participants are responsible and bear the costs for their own connection to the internet and any technical facilities at their end.

GL E III 10.1 Formal requirements

Minutes of oral proceedings must be drawn up.[Rule 124(1); ]
The person conducting the proceedings must ensure that during the whole proceedings an employee is available to keep minutes. If necessary, during oral proceedings different employees may carry out the task of minute-writing in sequence. In this case it must be made clear in the minutes which section was drawn up by which employee. The employees are normally members of the competent department, e.g. the examining or opposition division.


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