GL E IV 1.6.1 General remarks

Where the examining or opposition division holds hearings for the purpose of taking evidence (see E‑IV, 1.3) or if the case in question is expected to give rise to particular legal issues, it is advisable that the division be enlarged by the addition of a legally qualified examiner, if this is not already the case (see D‑II, 2.2).
The evidence of witnesses is normally taken at oral proceedings either on the premises of the EPO or by videoconferenc

GL E IV 1.4 Order to take evidence

Where the competent department of the EPO considers it necessary to hear the oral evidence of parties, witnesses or experts or to carry out an inspection, it must make a decision to this end (order to take evidence), setting out the investigation which it intends to carry out, relevant facts to be proved, the date, time and place of the investigation and whether it will be conducted by videoconference.

GL E IV 1.3 Taking of evidence

The department responsible for the taking of evidence in the form of a hearing of witnesses, parties and experts will, in substantive examination and opposition proceedings, be the division before which the taking of evidence as part of oral proceedings would normally take place. If evidence is to be taken, the examining or opposition division will normally have been enlarged to include a legally qualified member. The division may commission one of its members to examine the evidence adduced.


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