GL E III 8.5.1 Use of computer-generated slideshows in oral proceedings

In oral proceedings a computer-generated slideshow cannot be used as a matter of right, but only with the permission of and at the discretion of the examining or opposition division or the Legal Division (T 1556/06), and provided that – in the case of oral proceedings on the EPO premises – the necessary equipment is available in the room in which the oral proceedings are held.

GL E III 8.5 Submissions by the parties

After the introduction referred to above, the party or parties will be allowed the floor in order to put their cases and to make applications on procedural matters and state the grounds thereof. In the normal course of events each party will have only one opportunity of making a comprehensive statement.
In opposition proceedings the opponents will generally speak first and the patent proprietor afterwards.

GL E III Procedure in opposition proceedings

If new facts or evidence are submitted during inter partes oral proceedings which a party, although duly summoned, fails to attend, it must first be examined whether these submissions may be disregarded (Art. 114(2); see also E‑III, 8.6, and E‑VI, 2).
Following G 4/92, if new facts are taken into consideration, then at the end of the oral proceedings a decision based on these fa


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