GL E III 8.11.1 Requesting postponement during oral proceedings

Oral proceedings in examination, limitation or opposition are intended to bring the proceedings to a close, and parties are expected to prepare themselves fully.
The division will therefore normally refuse any request from a party that the proceedings be postponed or continued in writing.
Even if the description needs to be revised to bring it into conformity with amended claims, the applicant or proprietor is expected to make the necessary changes either in the oral proceedings or during a break.

GL E III 8.10 Right of the other members of the division to put questions

The chair must allow any member of the examining or opposition division who so requests to put questions. They may determine at which point in the proceedings such questions may be put.
In oral proceedings, questions may be put to the parties in connection with their statements or the discussion of the facts or of the legal position. When evidence is taken as part of oral proceedings questions may also be put to the witnesses, parties and experts called.

GL E III 8.7.3 Procedure in opposition proceedings

If, in oral proceedings, the interlocutory decision of the opposition division was based on documents which do not comply with Rule 49(8), i.e. which contain handwritten amendments, the opposition division will invite the proprietor in the communication under Rule 82(2) to file a formally compliant version of the amended text. The invitation will specify the formally deficient amended paragraphs and/or claims for which replacement paragraphs and/or claims need to be filed.


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