Amounts of fees
The conditions for a reduction in the international search fee are set out in points 3.1.024 ff.
The amount of the international filing fee, including the page fee, is set by WIPO in Swiss francs and is specified in the Schedule of Fees which is annexed to the PCT Regulations (PCT Schedule of Fees) and forms an integral part thereof. If this fee is paid to the EPO as RO, it must be paid in euros. Due to changes in the exchange rate between the euro and the Swiss franc, the equivalent amount is changed from time to time. This is announced by WIPO in its PCT Newsletter and by the EPO in its Official Journal. The amounts payable in respect of the international filing fee, the search fee and the transmittal fee are those applicable on the date of receipt of the international application.
The conditions for a reduction in the international filing fee are set out in points 2.24.017 ff.
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021