What fees are due when filing an international application?
PCT Gazette, 15 March 2018, 212
PCT Newsletter 2/2018, 7, 3/2018, 8,
4/2018, 7
the transmittal fee,
the international filing fee, and
the international search fee.
PCT Newsletter 5/2015, 10
If the application contains more than 30 pages, the international filing fee increases, with a fixed sum to be paid for each page in excess of 30 pages. This extra fee is considered part of the international filing fee and must be paid by the applicant together with the (basic) filing fee. The applicant should compute the extra amount himself and not wait for a communication, because as from expiry of the one-month time limit the missing amount may only be validly paid together with a late payment fee (see point 2.24.023).
If the application contains a sequence listing as part of the description, the pages forming that part are not taken into account for calculating the page fee if all requirements are met (see point 2.21.005).
Source: http://www.epo.org/applying/international/guide-for-applicants/html/e/ga_c2_24.html
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021