GL A V 1 Communications concerning formal deficiencies

After a formalities examination, the Receiving Section or, where appropriate, the examining division issues one or more communications to the applicant if the application is found to be formally defective, identifying all the particular requirements of the EPC which the application does not satisfy and, in the case of deficiencies which can be corrected, will invite the applicant to correct such deficiencies within specified periods (see A‑III, 16).

GL A IV 5 Applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences

If nucleotide and amino acid sequences within the meaning of Rule 30(1) are disclosed in the European patent application, they are to be represented in a sequence listing which conforms to WIPO Standard ST.25. The sequence listing should, where it is filed together with the application, be placed at the end of the application (see WIPO Standard ST.25, point 3). The sequence listing must be filed in electronic form, i.e. in TXT format.

GL A IV 4.3 Availability of deposited biological material to expert only

Under Rule 32(1)(a) and (b), until the date on which the technical preparations for publication of the application are deemed to have been completed, the applicant may inform the EPO that, until the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent or, where applicable, for twenty years from the date of filing if the application has been refused or withdrawn or is deemed to be withdrawn, the availability referred to in

GL A IV 4.2 Missing information; notification

When the Receiving Section notices that the information required under Rule 31(1)(c) (indication of the depositary institution and the accession number of the culture deposit) or the information and the document referred to in Rule 31(1)(d) (authorisation to refer to the deposit and the consent to it being made available) is not contained in or has not yet been submitted with the application, it should notify the applicant of this fact as this information can only be validly submitted within the tim


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