GL A IV 2.3 Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application

As from the time when a third party proves to the EPO that they have initiated proceedings concerning entitlement (see A‑IV, 2.2) and up to the date on which the EPO resumes the proceedings for grant (see A‑IV, 2.2.5), neither the European patent application nor the designation of any contracting state may be withdrawn.[Rule 15; ]

GL A IV Resumption regardless of the stage of entitlement proceedings

The Legal Division may also order the resumption of grant proceedings regardless of the stage reached in the proceedings against the applicant. In this case, it is at the discretion of the Legal Division to decide whether the proceedings are to be continued. This discretion is to be exercised with due regard to the interests of the parties.

GL A IV 2.2.4 Interruption of time limits

The time limits in force at the date of stay other than time limits for payment of renewal fees are interrupted by such stay. The time which has not yet elapsed begins to run as from the date on which proceedings are resumed. However, the time still to run after the resumption of the proceedings must not be less than two months. As far as renewal fees are concerned, they continue to fall due during the period of stay.


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