GL D X 1 Introduction

The limitation and revocation procedures are centralised ex parte procedures at the level of the EPO which allow the patent proprietor either to have the claims of the granted patent limited or to have the whole patent revoked for all the designated states.

GL D IX 3 Enforcement of the fixing of costs

Any final decision of the EPO fixing the amount of costs must be dealt with, for the purpose of enforcement in the contracting states, in the same way as a final decision given by a civil court of the state in the territory of which enforcement is to be carried out. Verification of any such decision must be limited to its authenticity.[Art. 104(3); ]
"Decision" as referred to above also covers the final fixing of costs by the opposition division.

GL D IX 2.2 Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division

The communication in which the formalities officer has fixed the costs may be reviewed if requested by one of the parties to the proceedings. The opposition division will then issue an appealable decision.
The request for such a decision, stating the reasons on which it is based, must be filed with the EPO in writing within one month after the date of notification of the communication in which the costs have been fixed.

GL D IX 2.1 Fixing of costs by the opposition division

The formalities officer is entrusted with fixing the amount of the costs to be paid to the beneficiary at the request of at least one party. The request from a party to the proceedings to fix the costs is admissible only if the decision in which the apportionment of costs was ordered has become final.[Art. 104(2); Rule 88(2); ]
A list of costs, with supporting evidence in respect of each amount involved, must be attached to the request.


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