GL D VIII 1.2.2 Revocation for failure to pay the prescribed fee for publishing, to file a translation or to file a formally compliant version of amended text passages

Under Rule 82(2) in conjunction with (3), if the patent proprietor fails in due time to:[Rule 82(3); ]
(i)pay the prescribed fee for the printing of a new specification of the European patent, 

GL D VIII 1.1 General remarks

The opposition division has to take a final decision on the opposition, by revoking the European patent or rejecting the opposition or ruling that the European patent is to be maintained as amended. If the only admissible opposition or all the admissible oppositions are withdrawn and the opposition division takes the view that as the case stands there is no reason for the Office to continue the proceedings of its own motion, the proceedings are closed by means of a formal decision (Rule 84(2), second sentence).

GL D VII 7 Publication of a new specification of the patent

If a European patent is maintained in an amended form, the EPO must, as soon as possible after it publishes the mention of the opposition decision, publish a new specification of the European patent containing the description, the claims and any drawings, in the amended form.[Art. 103; ]
Rule 74 applies mutatis mutandis to the new specification of the European patent.[Rule 87; ]


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