GL D X 7.2 Filing of opposition after decision on limitation

On rare occasions it may happen that the limitation procedure is finished before an opposition is filed within the nine-month period and the decision to limit has already been published in the European Patent Bulletin. In such cases the opponent does not benefit from a new nine-month period, since the opposition period runs only once from publication of the mention of the grant of the patent. Accordingly the opponent will not have a full nine-month period to formulate the opposition for the patent as limited.

GL D X 4.4 Further stages of the examination

If the examination under D‑X, 4.3 above leads to the conclusion that the request is allowable, then the next stage of the procedure – the establishment of the formal requirements for limitation as described under D‑X, 5, can begin. Otherwise, in accordance with Rule 95(2), a communication must be sent to the requester identifying the deficiencies and giving the opportunity to correct them within a period to be specified.


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