GL D VII 5.2 Continuation on the death or legal incapacity of the opponent

In the event of the death or legal incapacity of an opponent, the opposition proceedings may be continued by the opposition division of its own motion, even without the participation of the heirs or legal representatives, for example if the legal proceedings in connection with the will or the appointment of a new legal representative would inordinately prolong the opposition proceedings.

GL D VII 4.2.2 Continuation regardless of the stage reached in national proceedings

When giving a decision on the stay of proceedings or thereafter, the Legal Division may set a date on which it intends to continue the proceedings, regardless of the stage reached in the national proceedings.[Rule 14(3); Rule 78(1); ]
Unlike the decision on staying the proceedings, it is at the discretion of the Legal Division to decide whether proceedings are to be resumed.

GL D VII 4.1.2 Legal character and effect of the stay of proceedings

Stay of proceedings is a preliminary procedural measure sui generis which takes immediate effect as a preventive measure to preserve the third party's possible rights (J 28/94; J 15/06).
The patent proprietor will not be heard but may file a request for an appealable decision on the stay of proceedings.
Stay of proceedings means that the legal status quo existing at the time of ordering is maintained, i.e. neither the EPO nor the parti


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