(1)[ 112 ]
The request for limitation or revocation of a European patent shall be filed in writing in one of the official languages of the European Patent Office. It may also be filed in an official language of a Contracting State, provided that a translation is filed in one of the official languages of the European Patent Office within the period specified in Rule 6, paragraph 2. Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatis mutandis to documents filed in limitation or revocation proceedings.
particulars of the proprietor of the European patent making the request (the requester) as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(c), and an indication of the Contracting States for which the requester is the proprietor of the patent;
where the requester has appointed a representative, particulars as provided in Rule 41, paragraph 2(d).
Amended by decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 4/08 of 21.10.2008 (OJ EPO 2008, 513), which entered into force on 01.04.2009.
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/html/epc/2016/e/r92.html
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021