If the European patent application has been accorded a date of filing, the European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with Article 90, paragraph 3, whether:
(a)[ 76 ]
a translation of the application required under Article 14, paragraph 2, under Rule 36, paragraph 2, second sentence, or under Rule 40, paragraph 3, second sentence, has been filed in due time;
the request for grant of a European patent satisfies the requirements of Rule 41;
the application contains one or more claims in accordance with Article 78, paragraph 1(c), or a reference to a previously filed application in accordance with Rule 40, paragraphs 1(c), Rule 40, paragraphs 2 and Rule 40, paragraphs 3, indicating that it replaces also the claims;
the application contains an abstract in accordance with Article 78, paragraph 1(e);
the filing fee and the search fee have been paid in accordance with Rule 17, paragraph 2, Rule 36, paragraph 3, or Rule 38;
the designation of the inventor has been made in accordance with Rule 19, paragraph 1;
where appropriate, the requirements of Article 133, paragraph 2, have been satisfied;
the application meets the requirements laid down in Rule 46 and Rule 49, paragraphs 1 to Rule 49, paragraphs 9 and Rule 49, paragraphs 12;
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/html/epc/2016/e/r57.html
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
56 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPC Articles
EPC Implementing Rules
XR.30 EPC Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences
EPO Guidelines - A Formalities Examination
XGL A IV 5.2 Sequence listings of an application filed by reference to a previously filed application
EPO Guidelines - B Search
EPO Guidelines - F The European Patent Application
Offical Journal of the EPO
XOJ EPO 2009, 481 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 20 August 2009 concerning amended Rule 36(1) and (2) EPC (European divisional applications) and consequential amendments to Rules 57(a) and 135(2) EPC
XOJ EPO 2009, 296 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 25 March 2009 amending the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention (CA/D 2/09)
XOJ EPO 2008, 513 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 21 October 2008 amending the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention (CA/D 4/08)