A.4 EPC European Patent Organisation

A European Patent Organisation, hereinafter referred to as the Organisation, is established by this Convention. It shall have administrative and financial autonomy. 
The organs of the Organisation shall be: 
the European Patent Office; 
the Administrative Council. 
The task of the Organisation shall be to grant European patents. This shall be carried out by the European Patent Office supervised by the Administrative Council. 
[ Art. 4a 10 36 R. 9 13 ]
See decisions of the Enlarged Board of Appeal G 5/88, G 7/88, G 8/88, G 1/04 (Annex I).

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EPC Articles

EPC Implementing Rules

EPO Guidelines - E General Procedural Matters

Offical Journal of the EPO

Case Law Book: V Priority

Case Law Book: VII Proceedings before the EPO

Case Law of the Enlarged Board

General Case Law