OJ EPO 2014, A35 - Announcement of the European qualifying examination 2015 Pre-examination and main examination

I. General

The current Regulation on the European qualifying examination (REE) and its implementing provisions (IPREE) (supplementary publication 2 OJ EPO 2014) are available on the website of the European qualifying examination (www.epo.org/eqe). The provisions of the REE and IPREE apply equally to the pre-examination.

OJ EPO 2014, A38 - Bank accounts of the European Patent Organisation

Important information for customers on the closure of the European Patent Organisation bank account in Turkey

Customers are advised that the bank account of the European Patent Organisation (EPO) with Türkiye IS Bankasi A.S. has been closed with effect from 28 February 2014. Customers in Turkey are therefore requested to make all future payments to the following EPO bank account:

OJ EPO 2014, A42 - Warning - beware of approaches and requests for payment from firms purporting to publish and/or register European or international patent applications and European patents

1. Numerous European patent applicants and proprietors have informed the European Patent Office (EPO) that firms and individuals have sent them invoices inviting them to pay for the publication and/or registration of their applications and patents. Similar reports have been received from applicants who filed international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT applications).


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