OJ EPO 2014, A44 - CEIPI seminars for the EQE pre-examination 2015

The Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) is known for its courses to prepare candidates for the European qualifying examination (EQE), increasing their chances of success.

A pre-examination will be held in 2015 for those candidates who fulfil the requirements to present themselves to the pre-examination of the EQE in 2015 (see supplementary publication 2, OJ EPO 2014).

OJ EPO 2014, A45 - CEIPI European qualifying examination 2015 ("main examination")

For the European qualifying examination (EQE) 2015 (main examination), CEIPI offers, in the Euro-CEIPI collaboration with the European Patent Academy, a programme of exam preparation courses consisting of "introductory courses" in the early autumn of 2014 in a number of different cities in Europe, followed by the "preparatory seminars" in November 2014 and January 2015, in Strasbourg, France.

OJ EPO 2014, A47 - Guidance for the payment of fees, expenses and prices

The fees guidance currently applicable is set out in OJ EPO 2014, A37 ff. Please note that in page 7 of this fees guidance, the amount of the fee for grant (Code 007) initially published is incorrect (815 EUR) and shall be corrected by the amount of 915 EUR. The correction has been already made in the HTML and PDF version of the Official Journal with an editorial note to clearly indicate where this correction was made.

OJ EPO 2014, A50 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 17 April 2014 concerning the online filing of subsequently filed documents under the PCT

By decision dated 26 February 2009 (OJ EPO 2009, 182), the President of the European Patent Office authorised the filing in electronic form of documents relating to the international application under Rule 89bis.2 PCT.

OJ EPO 2014, A53 - Erratum OJ EPO March 2014

Guidance for the payment of fees, expenses and prices applicable as from 1 April 2014

OJ EPO 2014, A37, page 7:
Please note that in page 7 of this fees guidance, the amount of the fee for grant (Code 007) initially published is incorrect (815 EUR) and shall be corrected by the amount of 915 EUR. The correction has been already made in the HTML and PDF version of the Official Journal with an editorial note to clearly indicate where this correction was made.


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