GL C V 11 Withdrawal before publication of the patent specification

The specification of the European patent is not published if the application is withdrawn before termination of the technical preparations for publication. If after termination of the technical preparations the application is withdrawn to avoid publication, non-publication cannot be guaranteed. The EPO will, however, try (in accordance with the principles of J 5/81) to prevent publication on a case-by-case basis if the stage reached in the publication procedure permits this reasonably easily.

GL C V 10 Publication of the patent specification

The decision to grant contains the date of the mention of the grant of the European patent and is sent to the applicant when the technical preparations for printing the patent specification have been completed.
As soon as possible after the mention of the grant is published in the Bulletin, the EPO publishes the patent specification containing the description, claims (in the three official languages) and any drawings.

GL C V 6.2 A further communication under Rule 71(3)

A second Rule 71(3) communication is sent out if the resumed examination results in a text on the basis of which a patent can be granted (substantive amendments directed to resolving the issues which gave rise to the resumption of examination are possible).[Rule 71(6); ]
If the translations of the claims have already been filed (see C‑V, 1.3) and the fees have already been paid (see C‑V, 1.2


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