GL C V 15.2 Decision by means of a standard form

The examiner may be in a position to refuse the application using a standard form referring to the previous communication. In order to comply with the requirement that such a decision be reasoned (Rule 111(2)), this is only possible where the previous communication properly identifies the application documents on file, is well-reasoned and complete with respect to the grounds and the reasons for the refusal of the current request and addresses all the arguments raised by the applicant.

GL C V 13 European Patent Bulletin

If no notice of opposition is recorded in the dossier of the European patent within nine months of publication of the mention of grant, the patent proprietor is informed and an appropriate entry is published in the European Patent Bulletin (point 1, Art. 1, Decision of the President of the EPO dated 14 October 2009, OJ EPO 2009, 598). If, subsequently, it emerges that an opposition was filed in time, the proprietor is again informed and a correction is published in the Bulletin.[Art. 129(a); ]

GL C V 12 Certificate

As soon as the European patent specification has been published, the EPO issues the proprietor with a certificate attesting that the European patent has been granted to the person named in the certificate. Where there is more than one proprietor, each of them is issued with a certificate. Proprietors may request that a certified copy of the certificate with the specification attached be supplied to them upon payment of an administrative fee.


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