R.16 PCT The Search Fee

16.1       Right to Ask for a Fee

(a)  Each International Searching Authority may require that the applicant pay a fee (“search fee”) for its own benefit for carrying out the international search and for performing all other tasks entrusted to International Searching Authorities by the Treaty and these Regulations.

R.14 PCT The Transmittal Fee

14.1       The Transmittal Fee

(a)  Any receiving Office may require that the applicant pay a fee to it, for its own benefit, for receiving the international application, transmitting copies to the International Bureau and the competent International Searching Authority, and performing all the other tasks which it must perform in connection with the international application in its capacity of receiving Office ("transmittal fee").

R.13 PCT Unity of Invention

13.1       Requirement

The international application shall relate to one invention only or to a group of inventions so linked as to form a single general inventive concept ("requirement of unity of invention").

13.2       Circumstances in Which the Requirement of Unity of Invention Is to Be Considered Fulfilled

R.12 PCT Language of the International Application and Translations for the Purposes of International Search and International Publication

12.1       Languages Accepted for the Filing of International Applications

(a)  An international application shall be filed in any language which the receiving Office accepts for that purpose.

(b)  Each receiving Office shall, for the filing of international applications, accept at least one language which is both:

R.10 PCT Terminology and Signs

10.1       Terminology and Signs

(a)  Units of weights and measures shall be expressed in terms of the metric system, or also expressed in such terms if first expressed in terms of a different system.

(b)  Temperatures shall be expressed in degrees Celsius, or also expressed in degrees Celsius, if first expressed in a different manner.

(c)  [Deleted]


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