R.40bis PCT Additional Fees in Case of Missing Parts or Correct Elements and Parts Included in the International Application or Considered to Have Been Contained in the International Application

40bis.1       Invitation to Pay Additional Fees

The International Searching Authority may invite the applicant to pay additional fees where the fact that a missing part or a correct element or part:

(i)  is included in the international application under Rule 20.5(c) or Rule 20.5bis(c), respectively;  or

R.38 PCT Missing or Defective Abstract

38.1       Lack of Abstract

If the international application does not contain an abstract and the receiving Office has notified the International Searching Authority that it has invited the applicant to correct such defect, the International Searching Authority shall proceed with the international search unless and until it receives notification that the said application is considered withdrawn.

38.2       Establishment of Abstract

R.37 PCT Missing or Defective Title

37.1       Lack of Title

If the international application does not contain a title and the receiving Office has notified the International Searching Authority that it has invited the applicant to correct such defect, the International Searching Authority shall proceed with the international search unless and until it receives notification that the said application is considered withdrawn.

37.2       Establishment of Title

R.35 PCT The Competent International Searching Authority

35.1       When Only One International Searching Authority Is Competent

 Each receiving Office shall, in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement referred to in Article 16(3)(b), inform the International Bureau which International Searching Authority is competent for the searching of the international applications filed with it, and the International Bureau shall promptly publish such information.


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