T 0109/91 () of 15.1.1992

European Case Law Identifier: ECLI:EP:BA:1992:T010991.19920115
Date of decision: 15 January 1992
Case number: T 0109/91
Application number: 83302478.9
IPC class: C12N 15/00
Language of proceedings: EN
Download and more information:
Decision text in EN (PDF, 531 KB)
Documentation of the appeal procedure can be found in the Register
Bibliographic information is available in: EN
Versions: Unpublished
Title of application: Composite plasmid
Applicant name: AJINOMOTO CO.
Opponent name: DEGUSSA AG
Board: 3.3.02
Headnote: -
Relevant legal provisions:
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 54(3)
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 54(4)
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 111
Keywords: Novelty - burden of proof - Weight of evidence in
opposition proceedings - Remittal to Opposition
Division for further examination of novelty

The standard burden of proof in opposition cases is generally expressed as proof on the balance of probabilities, absolute certainty is not required but a degree of probability which in human experience verges on certainty. If the evidence is such that the Division or the Board can conclude "we think it more probable than not", the burden is discharged. The burden of proof may shift constantly as a function of the weight of the evidence (cf. point 2.10 of the Reasons for the Decision).

Cited decisions:
D 0005/86
T 0270/90
Citing decisions:
T 0252/90
T 0525/90
T 0838/92
T 0950/92
T 0575/94
T 0075/95
T 1188/00
T 0906/01
T 0252/02
T 0453/04
T 1111/06
T 0609/07
T 1162/07
T 1957/14
T 2037/18

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