OJ EPO 2014, A105 - Norway accedes to the London Agreement

On 26 September 2014, the Kingdom of Norway deposited its instrument of accession to the Agreement dated 17 October 2000 on the application of Article 65 EPC ("London Agreement", see OJ EPO 2001, 549), which under its Article 6(2) will accordingly enter into force for Norway on 1 January 2015. The London Agreement will then be in force in 21 EPC contracting states.

OJ EPO 2014, A107 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 24 October 2014 concerning the filing of international applications with the EPO acting as receiving Office using ePCT-Filing

The President of the European Patent Office, having regard to Rule 2 EPC and Rule 89bis.1 PCT, has decided as follows:

Article 1

Filing using ePCT-Filing

OJ EPO 2014, A108 - Notice from the President of the European Patent Office dated 30 October 2014 concerning the days on which EPO filing offices are closed in 2015

1. Under Rule 134(1) EPC, time limits expiring on a day on which at least one EPO filing office is not open for receipt of documents (closing days) are extended until the first day thereafter on which all the filing offices are open for receipt of documents and on which ordinary mail is delivered.


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