GL FOREWORD 4 Work at the EPO

The setting up of the EPO represented a major step forward in the history of patents. Its reputation depends on all employees, regardless of nationality, working harmoniously together and giving of their best. But it is on the search, examination and opposition, more than anything else, that the EPO will be judged by the patent world.
Employees of the EPO work with colleagues who not only speak a different language but also come from a different patent background with different training.

GL FOREWORD 3 General remarks

These Guidelines provide guidance in respect of the practice in proceedings before the EPO in accordance with the European Patent Convention and its Implementing Regulations (see section 5).
The search and examination practice and procedure as regards PCT applications in the international phase are not the subject of these Guidelines, but are dealt with in the PCT International Search and Preliminary Examination Guidelines, which are available on the WIPO website (


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