GL G II 3.7.1 User interfaces

User interfaces, in particular graphical user interfaces (GUIs), comprise features of presenting information and receiving input in response as part of human-computer interaction. Features defining user input are more likely to have a technical character than those solely concerning data output and display, because input requires compatibility with the predetermined protocol of a machine, whereas output may be largely dictated by the subjective preferences of a user.

GL G II 3.6.3 Data retrieval, formats and structures

A computer-implemented data structure or data format embodied on a medium or as an electromagnetic carrier wave has technical character as a whole and thus is an invention within the meaning of Art. 52(1).
A data structure or format contributes to the technical character of the invention if it produces a technical effect. This may happen if the data structure or format is functional data, i.e.

GL G II 3.6.2 Information modelling, activity of programming and programming languages

Information modelling is an intellectual activity devoid of technical character and typically carried out by a systems analyst in a first stage of software development, to provide a formal description of a real-world system or process. Consequently, specifications of a modelling language, the structure of an information modelling process (e.g. use of a template) or the maintenance of models likewise have no technical character (T 354/07).

GL G II 3.5.3 Schemes, rules and methods for doing business

Subject-matter or activities which are of a financial, commercial, administrative or organisational nature fall within the scope of schemes, rules and methods for doing business, which are as such excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2)(c) and (3). In the rest of this section, any such subject-matter or activities will be subsumed under the term "business method".[Art.


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