GL H II 7.1 Restriction to a single, searched invention

In reply to an objection of lack of unity, the applicant must restrict the claims to a single invention which has been searched, unless the applicant can convince the examining division that the objection was not justified.
If the claims have been restricted to a single searched invention, the examination can be continued as for a unitary application but limited to that invention (see C‑III, 3).

GL H II 6.2 Subject-matter taken from the description

Within the framework of Art. 123(2) and Art. 82, Rule 137(5), first sentence, should be construed as permitting any limitation of searched subject-matter which is unitary with the originally claimed subject-matter, irrespective of whether the technical feature(s) used for the limitation has/have been searched.[Rule 137(5); ]
Thus, the addition to a claim of a technical feature which further defi

GL H II 6 Amendments relating to unsearched matter – Rule 137(5)

Rule 137(5) sets out two further conditions for amendments to claims, namely that amended claims may not relate to (i) unsearched subject-matter which does not combine with the originally claimed invention or group of inventions to form a single general inventive concept and (ii) subject-matter not searched in accordance with Rule 62a and Rule 63 (see, however, H‑II, 5).

GL H II 5 Amendments required by a limitation of the search under Rule 62a and/or Rule 63

Where the search was limited to certain subject-matter by application of Rule 63 (see B‑VIII, 3.1 and 3.2), the claims must be amended in such a way as to remove the unsearched subject-matter and the description adapted accordingly.[Rule 63(3); ]
Where the search was limited to certain claims by application of


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