GL H III 2.5 Withdrawal of amendments/abandonment of subject matter

Any subsequent request to withdraw an amendment is itself a request for further amendment; thus, if this subsequent request occurs after reply to the first communication from the examining division, the corresponding amendment will be admitted only if the examining division consents.
In deleting subject-matter from an application, the applicant should avoid any statement which could be interpreted as abandonment of that subject-matter.

GL H III 2.4 Amendments made by the EPO at the request of a party

Where necessary, deficient documents may also be amended at the request of a party by the competent department of the EPO. This could be the procedure for minor amendments, e.g. where it is necessary to insert details which were omitted in the request for grant, and the number of amendments involved is reasonable, or where whole pages or paragraphs are to be deleted. The party concerned is advised to submit a list summarising the amendments to be undertaken by the EPO.

GL H III 2.3 Amendments using copies

Amendments, particularly to the description or claims, may be made by using copies in accordance with the following procedure:
If deemed expedient, the examining division or formalities officer may, on a copy of one or more pages of the documents to be amended, put forward suggestions as to how amendments should be made in such a way as to take account of the objections raised.


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