GL-PCT C IV 4.1 Submissions prompted by a restriction of the search or a declaration that no search is possible

If the search covered only some claims or part of one or more claims (see GL/PCT‑EPO B-VIII), only the subject-matter which has been searched - as indicated in the ISR (GL/PCT‑EPO B‑X, 8) and/or in the WO‑ISA (GL/PCT‑EPO B‑XI, 6) - can be the object of the international preliminary examination.

GL-PCT C IV 2.3 Supplementary international search (SIS) by another office

When conducting preliminary examination under Chapter II, the examiner must also take into account any documents cited in any supplementary international search report (SISR) by another office which is available in the file.
If the SISR has not been received by the EPO 24 months after the priority date, the file will be sent to the examiner anyway.

GL-PCT C IV 2.2 Procedure when the EPO was the ISA

Applicants must be given a further opportunity for interaction in Chapter II before a negative IPER is established, on condition that they have filed in due time a substantive reply to the WO‑ISA in the form of amendments and/or arguments.[]
Thus if, after reply to the WO‑ISA, there are still objections outstanding, before issuing a negative IPER the examiner must send:


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