GL-PCT FOREWORD 2.6 Forms used by the RO, ISA, SISA and IPEA

The following forms are used by the EPO as RO:
Invitation to correct the purported international application
Notification that the purported international application is not and will not be treated as an international application
Notification of the international application number and of the international filing date
Invitation to co

GL-PCT FOREWORD 2.3 Relationship between the PCT‑EPO Guidelines and the ISPE Guidelines

The PCT‑EPO Guidelines are intended to be complementary to, but not a substitute for, the PCT ISPE[ 1 ] and RO Guidelines, as well as the PCT Applicant's Guide ("WIPO PCT Guide") and the Euro-PCT Guide[ 2 ] ("PCT procedure at the EPO, [International phase and entry into the European phase], Guide for applicants").

GL-PCT FOREWORD 2.2 Applicability of the PCT‑EPO Guidelines

These Guidelines are intended to cover normal occurrences. They should therefore be considered only as general instructions. The application of these Guidelines to individual international patent applications is the responsibility of the formalities and examining staff and they may have to go beyond these instructions in exceptional cases. Nevertheless, as a general rule, parties can expect the EPO in its capacity as RO, (S)ISA or IPEA to act in accordance with these Guidelines until such time as they – or the relevant legal provisions – are amended.

GL-PCT FOREWORD 2.1 Overview

The PCT‑EPO Guidelines follow the structure of the EP Guidelines (Parts A, B, C, E, F, G and H, without D because there is no opposition, limitation or revocation under the PCT), and as far as possible the organisation within each part is similar to that of the EP Guidelines, adapted to the particularities of the PCT system. The sequence of chapters within Part A, however, differs from that of the EP Guidelines.


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