GL-PCT G IV 6 Prior art made available to the public anywhere in the world by non-written disclosure

A non-written disclosure is not considered part of the prior art for the purposes of Art. 33(2) and (3) if the date of that non-written disclosure is indicated in a written disclosure which has been made available to the public on or after the relevant date of the application (i.e. on or after the international filing date or, if a priority has been validly claimed, the earliest priority date).[Rule 33.1(b);

GL-PCT G IV 5.1 Prior art pursuant to Rules 33.1(c) and 64.3

Under the PCT, the prior art does not comprise the content of other applications filed or validly claiming a priority date earlier than – but published on or after – the date of filing or valid date of priority of the application being examined. However, attention must be drawn to such applications in the international search report and, where applicable, the preliminary examination report, as they may become relevant under Article 54(3) EPC (see also GL/PCT‑EPO B‑XI, 4.3).

GL-PCT G IV 4.1 Machine translations

In order to overcome the language barrier constituted by a document in an unfamiliar non-official language, it might be appropriate for the examiner to rely on a machine translation of the document, which should be sent to the applicant. If only part of the translated document is relevant, the particular passage relied upon should be identified. A translation has to serve the purpose of rendering the meaning of the text in a familiar language.

GL-PCT G IV 3 Date of filing or priority date as effective date

It should be noted that for the purpose of international preliminary examination all prior art is taken into account which was publicly available before the international filing date or, where a priority has been validly claimed, before the date of priority. It should be remembered that different claims, or different alternatives claimed in one claim, may have different effective dates, i.e. the date of filing or (one of) the claimed priority date(s).

GL-PCT G IV 1 General remarks and definition

An invention is to be "considered novel if it is not anticipated by the prior art". The "prior art shall consist of everything which has been made available to the public anywhere in the world by means of written disclosure (including drawings and other illustrations) and which is capable of being of assistance in determining that the claimed invention is or is not new and that it does or does not involve an inventive step (i.e., that it is or is not obvious), provided that the making available to the public occurred prior to the international filing date".


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