GA C2.9.3 2.9.3.

How to appoint an agent, common agent or common representative 
Appointment of an agent, common agent or common representative for the international phase requires a declaration to that effect. This can be made either in the PCT request (Box No. IV PCT request form) itself or in a separate notice ("power of attorney"). For this purpose the "PCT/Model of power of attorney" may be used, which is available on the WIPO website.[ 23 ] If the agent, common agent or common representative is at the same time to be appointed for the procedure in the European phase, please refer to the information in points 2.9.018 ff.
WIPO PCT Guide 11.007-11.009 
For the appointment of the agent, the common agent or the common representative to be effective, the PCT request or the power of attorney must be duly signed by (all) the applicant(s) for whom the agent, the common agent or the common representative is intended to act (see points 2.9.014 ff and 2.22.001 ff).
Appointment of a (common) agent may also be effected by referring in the PCT request or in a separate notice to an existing general power of attorney deposited with the EPO. 
Please note that a power of attorney may not be filed by fax or using the EPO Web-Form Filing service (see point 2.2.022).

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EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int.

EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int. - C The EPO as ISA and SISA

PCT Implementing Rules