Renewal fees for a European patent application in respect of the coming year are due on the last day of the month containing the anniversary of the date of filing of the European patent application.[Rule 51(1); ]
According to Rule 51(1) as amended with effect from 1 April 2018 (OJ EPO 2018, A2), the renewal fee in respect of the third year may be paid up to six months before it falls due. All other renewal fees may not be validly paid more than three months before they fall due.
Example A:
Filing date
Earliest date for valid payment of third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Due date for third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Earliest date for valid payment of fourth-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Due date for fourth-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Example B:
Priority date
Filing date
Earliest date for valid payment of third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Expiry of 31-month period for the performance of all acts required under Rule 159(1)
Due date for third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Earliest date for valid payment of fourth-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Due date for fourth year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
Renewal fee payments made before the permissible prepayment periods are not valid. If a debit order for a renewal fee is received via Online Fee Payment before the earliest valid payment dates under Rule 51(1) EPC, it will be rejected at source by the validation functionality (see A‑X, 4.2.3). If a payment is made too early either by filing a valid debit order via OLF and CMS or by using any other payment method (i.e. bank transfer or credit card), the renewal fee will be refunded by the EPO according to the procedures laid down in A‑X, 10.
If the renewal fee has not been validly paid on or before the due date, it may still be validly paid within six months of the said date, provided that the additional fee is paid within this period. The additional fee can be paid until the last day of the sixth month following the month containing the anniversary of the date of filing (see J 4/91, reasons 2.7). This six-month period begins on the last day of the month referred to in Rule 51(1), first sentence, even if the circumstances described in Rule 134(1), (2) and (5) apply. Rule 134 is applicable to the calculation of the expiry of the six-month time limit for payment of the additional fee (see J 4/91, reasons 3.2). Whilst a notice draws the applicant's attention to the possibility under Rule 51(2) and Art. 2(1), item 5, RFees, the omission of such notification may not be invoked (see J 12/84 and J 1/89). For renewal fees for European divisional applications see A‑IV, 1.4.3.[Rule 51(2); Rule 134; ]
For Euro-PCT applications, if the renewal fee in respect of the third year would have fallen due earlier under Rule 51(1), it does not fall due until expiry of the 31st month, i.e. on the last day of the 31-month period under Rule 159(1). This deferred due date, and hence the expiry of another period (the 31-month period), forms the basis for calculating the additional period for payment of the renewal fee with an additional fee (see J 1/89, the principles of which apply). For example:
20.04.2016 (Wed)
Priority date
17.10.2016 (Mon)
Filing date
31.10.2018 (Wed)
Due date for third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
20.11.2018 (Tue)
Expiry of 31-month period under Rule 159(1) = deferred due date for third-year renewal fee
20.05.2019 (Mon)
Last day for payment of the renewal fee (plus additional fee) since the six-month period under Rule 51(2) expires that day
If the applicant requests entry into the regional phase before the expiry of the 31-month period (see Art. 22 PCT and Art. 39 PCT), in order for the request to become effective the renewal fee in respect of the third year has to be paid if the fee has fallen due earlier under Rule 51(1). If the renewal fee is not paid on the date early processing is requested, the request for early processing will be effective only as from the date on which the renewal fee is paid (and all further requirements necessary on the latter date have been complied with) (see E‑IX, 2.8).
The obligation to pay renewal fees terminates with the payment of the renewal fee due in respect of the (patent) year in which the mention of the grant of the European patent is published, see Art. 86(2). "Patent years" are calculated as from the date of filing of the application. The first patent year (Art. 86(1), Art. 141(1)) starts on the date of filing and ends on the same date of the following year. For the second and subsequent years, the patent year starts one day after the anniversary of the date of filing and ends on the same day as the date of filing of the following year.[Art. 86(1); Art. 141(1); ]
Example of due date and time limits for payment:
15.12.2016 (Thu)
Priority date
02.07.2017 (Sun)
Filing date
31.01.2019 (Thu)
First day for validly paying third-year renewal fee (amended Rule 51(1); OJ EPO 2018, A2)
31.07.2019 (Wed)
Due date for third-year renewal fee under Rule 51(1)
31.01.2020 (Fri)
Last day for validly paying renewal fee plus additional fee (Rule 51(2)); see J 4/91, reasons 2.7
30.04.2020 (Thu)
First day for validly paying fourth-year renewal fee
31.07.2020 (Fri)
Due date for fourth-year renewal fee = last renewal fee to be paid to the EPO and last day for payment of this renewal fee without additional fee
04.11.2020 (Wed)
Mention of grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin
Example of last renewal fee payable to the EPO:
21.01.2017 (Sat)
Filing date
22.01.2019 (Tue)
Start of third patent year
31.01.2019 (Thu)
Due date for third-year renewal fee (to be paid to the EPO)
31.10.2019 (Thu)
First day for validly paying fourth-year renewal fee
21.01.2020 (Tue)
Mention of grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin
22.01.2020 (Wed)
Start of fourth patent year
31.01.2020 (Fri)
Due date for fourth-year renewal fee (no longer to be paid to the EPO; if already paid, to be refunded, see A‑X, 10.1.1)
This means that, for the last renewal fee payable to the EPO, it is not the due date but the beginning of the respective patent year that is decisive. If the mention of the grant of the European patent is published on the anniversary of the date of filing, the renewal fee in respect of the next patent year, which has not yet begun, is no longer payable to the EPO but to the national authorities.
Special provisions apply with regard to the due date for renewal fees in respect of cases where there is a successful request for re-establishment of rights under Art. 122 or a successful petition for review of a decision of the board of appeal under Art. 112a.[Rule 51(4); (5); ]
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
26 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPC Articles
EPC Implementing Rules
XR.159 EPC The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office – Requirements for entry into the European phase
EPC Rules relating to Fees
EPO Guidelines - A Formalities Examination
EPO Guidelines - C Procedureal Aspects of Substantive Examination
EPO Guidelines - E General Procedural Matters
EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int. - C The EPO as ISA and SISA
PCT Articles
Offical Journal of the EPO
XOJ EPO 2018, A2 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 13 December 2017 amending Rule 51 of the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention (CA/D 13/17)