CLR III C 6.4.1 Purpose of communication under Article 15(1) RPBA 2007
CLR III C 6.4 Communication under Article 15(1) RPBA 2007
CLR III C 6.3.2 Appeal proceedings
CLR III C 6.3.1 Examination and opposition proceedings
CLR III C 6.3 Final date for written submissions in the preparation for oral proceedings and late submission of new facts and evidence – Rule 116 EPC
CLR III C 6.2 Notice of two months in the summons
CLR III C 6.1.6 Postponement of the oral hearing at the instigation of the EPO
CLR III C 6.1.5 Obligation to give reasons why representative cannot be substituted
CLR III C 6.1.4.N Expected childbirth by the partner of the professional representative