CLR III D 1.4.2 Period of grace for payment of fees under Rule 85a EPC 1973
CLR III D 1.4.1 Additional period for payment of renewal fees under Rule 51(2) EPC
CLR III D 1.4 Statutory periods of grace, additional period for payment of renewal fees and the fiction of observance of a time limit for fee payments
CLR III D 1.3.3 Dislocation of a mail service outside the contracting states (Rule 134(5) EPC)
CLR III D 1.3.2 General dislocation or interruption in delivery or transmission of mail in a Contracting State (R. 134(2) EPC)
CLR III D 1.3.1 Public holidays (Rule 134(1) EPC)
CLR III D 1.3 Extension of time limits ipso jure on account of public holidays or dislocation in delivery of mail (Rule 134 EPC)
CLR III D 1.2.2 Applicability of Rule 132 EPC to the Rules relating to Fees
CLR III D 1.2.1 Relevant criteria when time limits are extended upon request (R. 132(2), second sentence, EPC)